Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Introducing Clive Benjamin Newman

Hi Friends and Family! I finally decided to make my entrance and boy did I! My mom says the first thing I'm supposed to do (Yes, she's already starting on the whole manners thing) is to share my stats.

My birthday is 5/1/10 - Happy May Day to me!
I weigh 7 lbs, 10.3 oz
I'm 20 inches long.

I have lots of hair which is more in the back, so my mom needs to take a picture to share my beautiful mane, which looks like my mom's when she was a baby. The nurses loved my feet (they said their big and smile, but not quite sure what that means) and my nice full lips.

Mom and Dad have been great taking such good care of me and I'll share more about my adventures. Until then!


  1. Looking so forward to meeting you, handsome boy! Welcome to the world! :)
    Audrey, Mark & Amy

  2. Yay!!!!! Its about time Clive! We can't wait to meet you, and Joey is especially excited to have a new playmate! See you soon!
    Daniela, Sean and Joey
