Wednesday, May 1, 2013

CLIVE is 1...2...THREE!

Oh Yeah...You Got that RIGHT!  I am THREE!  We have have been practicing making a three and hey...not too shabby, right!?!  I am really starting to LOVE my Birthday!

I came downstairs and OH MAN!  I got a scooter!  It is sooooooo cool!  Daddy said I have to practice using a helmet in order to ride it outside.  I love it.  Thank you Mommy, Daddy and Natalie!

Auntie Callie and Uncle Larry gave me a microphone and a harmonica.  I LOVE it!  THANK YOU!

Mommy said that I could have ANYTHING I wanted for my birthday breakfast.  I decided on a bagel with cream cheese, smoked salmon and pineapple.  Yummy! 

Gotta have a birthday song!

Mommy came to visit me at my school to have lunch with me.  It was such a fun surprise.  We both ate our stir-fry lunch together.  I love my Mommy and glad that she always makes time to spend with me.

On Saturday, May 4th we had my family birthday party.  To make it easier for our friends and family, we had it my school, Lemberg.  We have plenty of table and chairs for friends and potties!  Plus, for some of our non-Lemberg friends, they were able to see my new school.  We had a music theme party.  Since I really love music, Mommy decorated everything to make it feel like a music party.  It was Oh-So-AWESOME!

Even the water bottles had instruments on them!!! 

People were amazed at how fun Lemberg looked!  It's an old school, but Mommy says it has lots of character!

One of my best friends from my old school at Reebok is Jack Taylor!  I LOVE JACK!  We have so much fun together and I was so glad that he was able to come to celebrate!

Rae-Rae and Morgan became fast friends!  It was so nice seeing my family friends, old friends and new friends all have fun with me.  I was so  happy!!!

Is that Sawyer I see!?!?  Hi Sawyer, thanks for coming to my party!

Lexie was telling me that she lost her baby teeth and has adult teeth coming in..  I told Mommy I want my teeth to fall out too!

Lexi and her sister Ella!

Rebecca and Sawyer.

Mark and Matt - Two of Daddy's best friends...

The highlight to my party was one of the Lemberg teachers, Scott!  He came to my party to sing.  I love his music and I love signing and playing music with him.  Everyone had fun for music time!

We ended the party with pizza, fruit and of course a GUITAR Cake!

My cake was so cool!  I tried to strum my guitar cake, but I realized that it wasn't real.  I even had TWO pieces.  YUMMY!

Mommy and Daddy always make me feel so special.  Especially for my birthday.  Thank you Mommy, Daddy & Natalie.  I love you soooo much!

Love the best 3 year old ever!