Thursday, March 24, 2011

10...10 1/2 Months Old....Close Enough!

Hi Everyone - Sorry I haven't posted anything lately.  I have been way to busy crawling, exploring, pulling myself up and playing with everything!  I am also working on my 4 top teeth, so I'm going to have really big smile to show off for everyone soon!  It has been such a fun month so are a few highlights:

My Auntie Callie came for a visit
It was a last minute surprise and my Auntie Callie came for the weekend.  I'm sad we didn't get to spend a lot of time together, but we had so much fun!  We ate lots of yummy food and took her to some fun places around Boston.  I LOVED having company in the back seat.  We made lots of funny sounds together.

Daddy's Birthday
Mommy and I had so much fun planning it.  We picked out a delicious cake, made him a card and picked out a real basketball hoop.  Someday he will teach me how to play, so we thought it would be fun for him to enjoy shooting hoops at home.

We bought a house!
Mommy and Daddy have been looking for awhile and we finally found a really great house.  It's only 15 years old which is hard to find here in MA....everything is old!  And, it's nice and open and plenty of room for me to crawl!  We look forward to you all coming to visit!

I can use sign language
One of the most exciting things is that I've been really using my sign language and talking a lot!  Mommy has been practicing with me for a really long time.  But now, I can do it too!  It's really exciting that I can express myself and tell Mommy and Daddy what I need.  I can sign for Milk, More, All Done, Eat...and I'm working on No.

I love to talk!  So far, I can say Mama, Dada, Brush, Quack Quack (for Duck).  I understand a lot more than I can say right now, so I keep practicing every day!  Mommy is trying to get some video of my chatting, so I can share with all of you.

Dr. Suess Day
To celebrate Dr. Suess's birthday, everyone at Daycare got to wear mismatched clothes.  It was so fun to be silly!

A new twist
Can you twist your tongue like this?

Talk to you all soon!  Hopefully, we will have more pictures to share with us playing outside since the Spring weather should be here!
