Hello World!
I am an amazing 30 days new! I am weighing in at 8 lbs. 12.1 oz and 21" long! I am growing well and Dr. Haddawi says I'm doing great! The weather has been great, so when I'm not bundled up for sleep, I can wear some of my oh-so very cute outfits. My big brother Clive has really been great with me and having his usual fun.
Here is the bouncy seat that I love hanging out in. Clivey used the same one when he was little too! The only difference is that I like the vibrate mode. It helps me nap with the relaxing vibration.
My hair is falling out and growing...all at the same time. You'll see the spots where my hair has fallen out, but there are spots where it is really growing. Mommy loves it and reminds me that many babies don't even have any hair at this age!
Also like my big brother, I don't seem to tolerate dairy very well. Mommy has had to restrict her diet to help my tummy and make sure I feel better. What a sacrifice she makes for us. I just remind her, that at least she can have most of her body back!
All in all, we are doing pretty well. Mommy is feeling great, I'm growing just like I'm supposed to and Clivey is keeping up with his usual happenings. And Derby....well, she is definitely been down-graded to "DOG" status.
We'll check with you soon!
Love, Natalie