Friday, February 8, 2013

The Storm of February 8, 2013

So, we aren't sure if it qualified as a technical "BLIZZARD," but 25 INCHES of snow in one day counts in our book!  School and work was cancelled, so we all stayed home.  We needed to be safe and off of the roads. 

Mommy was well prepared and set up some painting.  It was really cool because I was able to paint and watch all the snow falling down outside.  It was really fun!

Nonnie also came over before it started snowing too much.  I really love playing the guitar, so she was showing me how to hold it.  I love my Nonnie.

Once all the snow had stopped, we decided to go outside ad check it out!  There was so much snow.  It took Daddy all morning, just to dig his car out.  Once he was able to move his car out and make a path out the front door, we were able to go outside!  Mommy bundled me up really well and I was ready to go.

Since the sun was shining and it wasn't too cold, we brought Natalie out too!  Natalie looked like a little Eskimo.  She really liked being outside and checking out all the snow!

Daddy found a cool spot of snow, where we were able to climb up and sit on it like a bench! 


Check out Natalie and I going for a little sled ride together.  It was really fun!

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