Sunday, July 11, 2010

My New Friends

(I'm in the stripes, holding my puppy pacifier!)

Mommy & I joined a playgroup for new babies and mom's like us. Mommy has learned so many different ideas of how to take such good care of me. We have learned new sleep techniques, feeding ideas and fun songs and toys to use. Thank goodness for this class because now I get a massage in the morning and before I go to bed. I love it, especially when she massages my head! We have such a great time seeing other babies that will become my friends as we grow up together. Here are a few photos of my new friends. We are starting a new class in a couple of weeks and we can't wait to learn more fun things and meet more friends for mommy and me. We'll share with you more about our fun playdates soon!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Clive!
    You are so handsome and your mama is such a good blogger. I look forward to her postings after I read about my bean each week. I'm hoping we'll meet you next week when Ms Audrey May turns TWO!

    Grammy and Papa Langley
