Hey Everyone! Can you believe it?!!? I am 5 Months Old! I am such a big boy now. This has been a big month so far and full of so much fun. All the Moms and Dads like to talk about their babies and how they eat, sleep and poop. So I think this go around, we can just talk about eating and sleeping. Plus, I have more FUN to share with you, so who cares about the poop!?!?!
Eating is my new favorite thing! So far, I love peas, carrots, pear along with my oatmeal. I'm still deciding on avocado. I didn't like sweet potato very much. It made my tummy upset. So, we are going to give it a rest and try it again later and see what happens. We are going to try squash, green beans and prunes this month, so I can't wait. Mommy even gives me a spoon of my own. I like to put in my mouth. Soon, I think I can practice feeding myself. She even does a funny dance and we laugh and giggle when we have breakfast and lunch.
I welcomed my 5 month mark by being a solid 12 hour sleeper! Mommy was hoping I would be more of a 7am to 7pm sleeper, but I do so much all day, that I'm really sleepy by 6-6:30. I just remind Mommy how I used to wake up ever 2-3 hours, so 12 hours in a row, is a big deal for me (no matter what time it is!)! I loooooooove to sleep on my belly. Mommy and Daddy get worried sometimes because I bonk my head on the crib, but I am just getting used to all of this room I have to roll around.

I turned 5 months old in Tennessee! I took my first plane trip to meet my Grandfather and my aunt, uncle and cousin! Mommy and Daddy were so proud of me. The plane had good white noise and helped me sleep. I did a good job cuddling with my family, seeing the sights and going to new restaurants. We had a great time and now we will be ready for our first cross country trip to CA during Thanksgiving.

What else!?!? I am really working on sitting up! I am a little wobbly, but I'm getting the hang of it. I really want to sit up because I can see Putter and Derby and I can watch them so much more if I was sitting. So I'll keep practicing.
I am really ticklish...especially my ribs. Mommy makes me laugh all of the time by tickling me. But I don't mind...
And my new favorite game? Daddy playing peek-a-boo with me! It makes me laugh so much. He is so funny.
Whew, that was a lot! I hope you enjoyed my updates...I'll post something again soon, I promise!
Love, Clive