Sorry it's been awhile since I've had a chance to give you all an update. We have been so busy with our new routine. Mommy had to go back to work. I hate to see her cry, but hopefully she feels better knowing that my teachers take such good care of me at daycare. I like it there and I have a ton of new friends now. I'm the youngest one right now, so it's fun to watch all of my friends sit up, crawl and even walk! I can't wait to be able to play with them more. Here are a few pictures so you can see that they really are taking good care of me!
I've also been rolling from left to right,but I haven't been able to roll over completely. I'm working on it! I have also found my toes. They feel so cool. I never knew they were mine! I wish I could put them in my mouth, so I'm going to keep practicing!
Today, I had my first food: OATMEAL! It was sooooooo delicious! I loved it. This whole spoon thing is a little weird when I kept trying to suck it like a bottle. Mommy & Daddy were laughing at me because I was wearing more than I was eating. I can't wait to do this again tomorrow!
I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. It's the last official week of summer, so enjoy the sunshine wherever you are.
I can't wait to share more about my adventures soon!
Love, Clive